Dear Nancy,
Merry Christmas! Words cannot express how grateful I am to you for your obedience in starting Mercy Ministries. I came to Mercy at the end of my rope. I knew that if this didn’t work then I had no hope of a normal, joyful life. After Mercy, I did some mission work and graduated from college with a degree in special education. I taught for two years in my home town, but I felt God calling me into the ministry. Now, I am working on my master’s degree in youth ministry, while completing a yearlong youth internship at a church in Georgia. I love my job, and God is using what I learned at Mercy daily to help youth. My family and friends tell me constantly that they are grateful for Mercy, and the way that God used it to change my life. I just celebrated my five year anniversary!! I never thought I would be able to live a day in freedom, much less five years. So, thank you, Nancy! You make a difference and you are living a legacy!
Love you,
Special shout-out to Candice for celebrating five years of a transformed life! Don’t forget to listen live to this Sunday’s Mercy Multiplied radio show on Supertalk 99.7 FM WTN from 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM CST as we talk about “A New Year, A Healthy New Perspective.” If you don’t live in the middle Tennessee area, you can listen live at
Have a great weekend!