Friday, May 8, 2009

A Heart of Compassion by Charlotte Scanlon-Gambill

Today I am in Vancouver, Canada speaking at Life Women’s Conference. Last night, we heard from Natalie Grant and Helen Burns, and it was awesome! This morning we will be hearing first thing from Charlotte Scanlon-Gambill from the UK, who is a well-known author and speaker at conferences around the world. But in my world, Charlotte is a very dear friend and sister – one of my God chick friends. I asked her if she would be willing to do a guest blog because I want you to hear from some of the wonderful people in our extended Mercy family who are doing great things, and Charlotte is one of those people. Hope you enjoy!

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to get comfortable, to develop a routine in life? It happens slowly, but gradually over time I have watched many people who were once radical and passionate to make a difference grow less enthusiastic and start to be less available to the call of God.

One of the main ways we can avoid this happening, I have found, is by keeping a constant commitment to keep stepping out of ‘my’ shoes and into the shoes of 'others.' Jesus never came to preach at people, but to reach people - people from all different backgrounds and life experiences. He didn't wear the shoes of judgement, conformity or religion. He committed to step into the shoes of the broken, lonely and hurting people. He would walk with Zachaeus and cry with Mary, He would touch the leper and include the prostitute. He had compassion on them all and empathy for their situation because He approached them as one who was willing to walk in their shoes, talk their language, feel their pain, and from that position bring healing and liberty.

God is looking for us, His people, to do the same - not to get so comfy in our church shoes or busy with our own world that we never step out to embrace a different life. Years ago when I met Nancy Alcorn, I met a modern day example of this discipline. Her heart for the hurting, lost, abused and broken women she met was not one of pity or sadness, but empathy and compassion.

Mercy Ministries is an organization that steps into others’ shoes and from that place, rebuilds girls lives. So learn more about the work of Mercy, partner with their amazing women and be committed afresh to step into someone else’s shoes.

Love ya lots!

To read more from Charlotte, get a copy of her latest book In Her Shoes! To learn more about Charlotte, visit her website at


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this great blog. You are so right. I have been reading a book called, "So You Don't Want to go to Church Anymore" by Wayne Jacobson and Dave Coleman. It totally addresses this issue in the church today. Meanwhile, my husband and I have been trying to get a ministry off the ground that works with women like Mercy but combines equine therapy with it. We have lots of people that SAY that they love what we are doing but then we have been basically having to fund it ourselves. Nancy, I sure would love some pointers as we have had girls in our home for a year now and love what God is doing but get discouraged with the people around us and their "support". Maybe we have the wrong people around us?
Nanette Flynn