You might remember a blog I did on January 28 about one of our awesome 2006 graduates, Bethany ( Her parents had sent a letter along with a donation informing us that Bethany and her fiancé Beau had decided that instead of purchasing favors for their wedding this summer, that they were using that money to give a generous donation to Mercy! They also shared with us that Bethany was currently on a mission trip in South Africa, using the skills she had obtained while at Texas A&M veterinary school to serve the community there.
When we found out she was going to be in South Africa, we were excited to connect her with some of our ministry friends in the area, Sarah and Barry Le Roux. I recently received the coolest update from Sarah and Barry about Bethany’s trip. We thought you would love to hear about some of the amazing things she got to experience and see some of the incredible pictures from her trip.
When we found out she was going to be in South Africa, we were excited to connect her with some of our ministry friends in the area, Sarah and Barry Le Roux. I recently received the coolest update from Sarah and Barry about Bethany’s trip. We thought you would love to hear about some of the amazing things she got to experience and see some of the incredible pictures from her trip.
Hi Nancy,It is so amazing to see the transformation that has taken place in Bethany’s life. She is a true hero and I am so proud of her and excited about the awesome future the Lord has in store for Bethany and Beau.I would like to thank you for connecting us with Bethany. We had such a GREAT time together. On Tuesday, I took her to my friends’ game farm and we went for a game drive and saw all the animals. On Wednesday, I took her to the lion park where she got to hold baby lion cubs. Wednesday night, at our home cell group, Bethany shared her testimony and it was amazing!!! Some cried and after she was finished, everyone had so many questions for her - wanting advice, wanting to understand how she sees herself now, wanting to know how to deal with people they know who have eating disorders, and wanting to know parenting advice on how to deal with their children in similar situations. Bethany answered everyone's questions with such wisdom. We all went home blessed and encouraged, and praising God for His mercy and grace, and the testimony of Bethany’s life is unto Him. Although I have shared what Mercy is about, it was so great for them to see a young girl who has actually graduated from the program and whose life has been totally changed.
Thursday, we went on an outreach into a very poor township. There is no electricity, no running water and most of the community have not been educated and don’t have jobs. We took clothes and food parcels that will feed a family for a week or more and Bibles in their local languages. We saw many sick children suffering from AIDS and Tuberculosis. The team leader for that community took us to the 10 poorest families and we blessed them with the gifts. Bethany got to go inside their shacks and see how they live. She was touched by the whole experience and said she could do that everyday. I was so sad to say goodbye, but I know we will meet again. Thank you again for organizing this! Lots of Love and hugs and please send our love to all the girls at Mercy.
Sarah and Barry