The weekend in Raleigh began on Friday night, as I had the privilege of launching the first session of the 2011 Influence Women’s Conference. I was so excited to spend time with my fellow speaker and dear friend, Terri
Savelle Foy. Terri is the author of “Make Your Dreams Bigger Than Your Memories” published by Regal Books – a tremendous and inspiring story. I had the privilege of speaking again on Saturday morning followed by two amazing messages by Terri. I promise you that you want to know all about Terri’s ministry and hear her firsthand. Check out her website and how to get her book and teaching materials at Some of you may recognize the “
Savelle” name and there is a reason for that. Her parents are Jerry and Carolyn
Savelle who are well known for their amazing messages and leadership in Christian circles. I strongly encourage you to resource your life with these tremendous tools that Terri has put together to enable people to fulfill all of their destiny and see their highest dreams fulfilled.
Me with Connie (center) and Terri (right) |
I then had the privilege of speaking at both of the Sunday morning services at Living Word Family Church. We had a great time, and I so honor Pastors Steve and Connie
Caronna for their vision and for their leadership in the Raleigh community and beyond. I also want to thank
LWFC for the monthly mission support that they have given to Mercy for years and years. YOU ARE A PART OF EVERY CHANGED LIFE!!!
Me with Pastors Steve and Connie |
Thanks for a great weekend! We loved being there!
Thank you to Living Word and Pastors Steve and Connie for bringing Nancy and Terri in to minister to the ladies. I was totally blessed by the entire event!
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