I thought it would be cool for you to meet our Intake staff who works tirelessly answering the desperate cries for help that we receive on a daily basis, an average of 1,500 calls each month. These days as the founder of Mercy, which has existed for 27 years, I get way too much credit for the great work that goes on. I felt like I should give a shout out to one department who has gone above and beyond to meet the needs of these young women we exist to serve, and that would be our Intake Department.
The cool thing about this department is that the Director of Intake, Rebekah Adams, has a Master’s Degree in Counseling. She actually started out as a volunteer and worked countless hours exemplifying the passion she has for hurting young women. When the position for the Director of Intake came open, for us it was a no brainer to hire Rebekah. She leads a talented team of people who I am featuring in today’s blog so that those of you who call in can put names and faces together.
The other cool thing about this department is that we actually have two graduates of Mercy that are a part of this team, and obviously they have a perspective that the other members of the team do not have. Sara was in the program in 1997 and Kathryne was in the program in 2002. Denise, one of the other Intake Coordinators, and her family have supported Mercy since Denise was a little girl and it is so great to have her as a part of the team. Besides Rebekah, Sara, Denise, and Kathryne, we also have Brandy who serves the department as the receptionist.
I really wanted to brag on this group, but I also thought it would be good if you got a personal inside look at who they are as individuals, so I asked each of them to write something they would want to share with our friends and supporters. I am so proud of our entire staff, and I will be highlighting more departments from time to time in the future…
Rebekah Adams – Director of Intake
I started in this position in September of 2009 and I will never be able to fully express to you just how thankful I am for my job! I count it as a gift and a treasure to be a small part of seeing young women's hearts, minds, and lives restored by the power of Jesus Christ! Yeah!!!!
I was raised in a tiny little town called Rensselaer, Indiana, (if you look close enough you might see it on the map). I'm the youngest of 4 girls, (seriously, we're like the book "Little Women"... best friends!). I moved to Nashville in 2000 to go to Trevecca Nazarene University where I graduated with a Bachelor's in Social Work and a Bachelor's in Interpersonal Communications. I then continued on to get my Master's Degree in Counseling. Soon after completing school, I met my soon-to-be husband at church and we were married in September of 2008. He is truly the Lord's perfect provision for me and he was well worth the wait!!!! I love spending time with my husband (he’s hilarious!), shopping for great deals (just ask the Intake team), interior decorating, and singing.
Sara Opperman – Intake Coordinator
I have been part of the Mercy family for thirteen years. I initially found out about Mercy Ministries through a magazine article when I was sixteen, unexpectedly pregnant, and looking for a place to get help. Mercy Ministries provided an environment for me to draw closer to God, hear His voice through the challenging circumstances, and find clear direction and peace about the life-changing decision I had to make. I graduated from the program in 1997, and went back home with my beautiful baby girl, Alexis.
I have now worked in the Intake Department for almost three years, and feel honored to be a part of what God is doing in young women’s lives through this ministry. I am thankful for the opportunity to encourage them through the challenges they face, while also sharing my personal story of God’s amazing grace, love, forgiveness, and restoration. I feel blessed beyond measure for all that God has done in my life and continues to do - He is so faithful! Being a mom is by far my favorite role in life! Together, Alexis and I enjoy horseback riding, basketball, water skiing, and playing with our little dog, Rosie. I also enjoy playing soccer, cycling, ballroom dancing, and spending time with friends and family.
Denise Ramsey – Intake Coordinator
I have been at Mercy for almost 2 years and love it every day. Since high school, I have felt like God put a calling on my life to help girls that are dealing with the many issues that young girls face in society today. I was born and raised in Nashville, TN. I went to college at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville where I majored in Child and Family Studies with a minor in Psychology. I have a wonderful family and friends that have supported me through my life and have helped me develop a deeper relationship with Jesus. I have a sister and a brother who I am really close with, and I love going to football games, cooking, and going to the lake.
Kathryne Coonce – Intake Coordinator
I have been working at Mercy for almost 2 years now, and I love it! Mercy has a very special place in my heart, especially since I am a Mercy grad! Yep, I am a Mercy alum… graduated in 2002 after having an unplanned pregnancy. Mercy was such a blessing to me and helped me through so many hard issues that I needed to work through! Most importantly, I developed a real relationship with my Savior, which changed my life! I never really thought I would end up working at Mercy, but God put it on my heart about 5 years after my stay there, and soon after, He opened the door! I feel blessed to be able to give back to a ministry that gave me so much!
I graduated from College of Charleston with a degree in Psychology, and then moved back home to Franklin, TN where I was born and raised. I have 2 brothers and a sister, and lots of nieces and nephews whom I adore! I have been married for 2 years now and I love my husband! I want to have a big family, so we are hoping to have children in the near future. I love to cook and hang out with friends and my family... and I love girly movies. That’s me… ☺
Brandy Vancil – Intake Coordinator
I grew up in a small town in Virginia and went to college at Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, VA. I am married to a great man named Nick and we have a wild and wonderful black and white cocker spaniel named Buddy. I enjoy creative writing, songwriting, leading worship with my husband, traveling, and taking part in Bible studies with good friends.
The passion of my heart is to see people’s lives radically transformed by the saving and redeeming power of Jesus Christ. I hope to one day finish up my Masters in Marriage and Family Counseling in order to further walk out the passions God has given me. It is a true joy and humbling experience to walk alongside the brave young women who seek help from Mercy Ministries as they take active steps to walk out the freedom and healing Christ has for their lives.
The cool thing about this department is that the Director of Intake, Rebekah Adams, has a Master’s Degree in Counseling. She actually started out as a volunteer and worked countless hours exemplifying the passion she has for hurting young women. When the position for the Director of Intake came open, for us it was a no brainer to hire Rebekah. She leads a talented team of people who I am featuring in today’s blog so that those of you who call in can put names and faces together.
The other cool thing about this department is that we actually have two graduates of Mercy that are a part of this team, and obviously they have a perspective that the other members of the team do not have. Sara was in the program in 1997 and Kathryne was in the program in 2002. Denise, one of the other Intake Coordinators, and her family have supported Mercy since Denise was a little girl and it is so great to have her as a part of the team. Besides Rebekah, Sara, Denise, and Kathryne, we also have Brandy who serves the department as the receptionist.
I really wanted to brag on this group, but I also thought it would be good if you got a personal inside look at who they are as individuals, so I asked each of them to write something they would want to share with our friends and supporters. I am so proud of our entire staff, and I will be highlighting more departments from time to time in the future…
Rebekah Adams – Director of Intake
I started in this position in September of 2009 and I will never be able to fully express to you just how thankful I am for my job! I count it as a gift and a treasure to be a small part of seeing young women's hearts, minds, and lives restored by the power of Jesus Christ! Yeah!!!!
I was raised in a tiny little town called Rensselaer, Indiana, (if you look close enough you might see it on the map). I'm the youngest of 4 girls, (seriously, we're like the book "Little Women"... best friends!). I moved to Nashville in 2000 to go to Trevecca Nazarene University where I graduated with a Bachelor's in Social Work and a Bachelor's in Interpersonal Communications. I then continued on to get my Master's Degree in Counseling. Soon after completing school, I met my soon-to-be husband at church and we were married in September of 2008. He is truly the Lord's perfect provision for me and he was well worth the wait!!!! I love spending time with my husband (he’s hilarious!), shopping for great deals (just ask the Intake team), interior decorating, and singing.
Sara Opperman – Intake Coordinator

I have been part of the Mercy family for thirteen years. I initially found out about Mercy Ministries through a magazine article when I was sixteen, unexpectedly pregnant, and looking for a place to get help. Mercy Ministries provided an environment for me to draw closer to God, hear His voice through the challenging circumstances, and find clear direction and peace about the life-changing decision I had to make. I graduated from the program in 1997, and went back home with my beautiful baby girl, Alexis.
I have now worked in the Intake Department for almost three years, and feel honored to be a part of what God is doing in young women’s lives through this ministry. I am thankful for the opportunity to encourage them through the challenges they face, while also sharing my personal story of God’s amazing grace, love, forgiveness, and restoration. I feel blessed beyond measure for all that God has done in my life and continues to do - He is so faithful! Being a mom is by far my favorite role in life! Together, Alexis and I enjoy horseback riding, basketball, water skiing, and playing with our little dog, Rosie. I also enjoy playing soccer, cycling, ballroom dancing, and spending time with friends and family.
Denise Ramsey – Intake Coordinator

I have been at Mercy for almost 2 years and love it every day. Since high school, I have felt like God put a calling on my life to help girls that are dealing with the many issues that young girls face in society today. I was born and raised in Nashville, TN. I went to college at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville where I majored in Child and Family Studies with a minor in Psychology. I have a wonderful family and friends that have supported me through my life and have helped me develop a deeper relationship with Jesus. I have a sister and a brother who I am really close with, and I love going to football games, cooking, and going to the lake.
Kathryne Coonce – Intake Coordinator

I have been working at Mercy for almost 2 years now, and I love it! Mercy has a very special place in my heart, especially since I am a Mercy grad! Yep, I am a Mercy alum… graduated in 2002 after having an unplanned pregnancy. Mercy was such a blessing to me and helped me through so many hard issues that I needed to work through! Most importantly, I developed a real relationship with my Savior, which changed my life! I never really thought I would end up working at Mercy, but God put it on my heart about 5 years after my stay there, and soon after, He opened the door! I feel blessed to be able to give back to a ministry that gave me so much!
I graduated from College of Charleston with a degree in Psychology, and then moved back home to Franklin, TN where I was born and raised. I have 2 brothers and a sister, and lots of nieces and nephews whom I adore! I have been married for 2 years now and I love my husband! I want to have a big family, so we are hoping to have children in the near future. I love to cook and hang out with friends and my family... and I love girly movies. That’s me… ☺
Brandy Vancil – Intake Coordinator

I grew up in a small town in Virginia and went to college at Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, VA. I am married to a great man named Nick and we have a wild and wonderful black and white cocker spaniel named Buddy. I enjoy creative writing, songwriting, leading worship with my husband, traveling, and taking part in Bible studies with good friends.
The passion of my heart is to see people’s lives radically transformed by the saving and redeeming power of Jesus Christ. I hope to one day finish up my Masters in Marriage and Family Counseling in order to further walk out the passions God has given me. It is a true joy and humbling experience to walk alongside the brave young women who seek help from Mercy Ministries as they take active steps to walk out the freedom and healing Christ has for their lives.
thanks for introducing us to the intake staff!! it's nice to get to know the staff better. i know that the intake staff that i talked to in 2004 eased a lot of my fears and answered a LOT of questions i had about mercy. so the intake team is pretty important! God bless you ladies, and keep up the good work! i'm praying for you! <3
My Name is Jordan I graduated from Mercy Monroe in Febuary of this year. Nancy thank you for sharing the Intke staff. I know Intake played and still plays a huge part in my life. You are all so encourging and have a listening ear. I know your prayers are at work constantly. I am so Blessed and honored to have you in my life praying and checking in. You are very important! Thank you so much for helping me face the fear to walk though the doors OF Mercy while I was so broken. You are truly a Blessing! I pray for you each day! Love you all Jordan Anne Reilly
It was great to "meet" the people who were on the other side of the phone during the difficult intake process. Mine was a little more difficult than expected because of a surgery that lengthened the time I had to wait. Thank you for your words of encouragement to push through and patience with me. It has now been over a year since i graduated!
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