I had the privilege of traveling to the Washington, DC area this past Saturday to speak at the first ever northeast regional event for Mercy Ministries. About 200 people gathered to hear the vision of Mercy and hear from four graduates with amazing stories of transformation.
Introducing our graduate speakers

Thanks to everyone who came out for the event and also thanks to our sponsors Amazing Grace Enterprises, Kathie Dalrymple, Bay Area Community Church, Grace Baptist Church, The Frangipane Family, Chris & Olga Just, McDonald Auto Service, Redeeming Life, Inc., Erin Rampersaud and Noel Namocatcat. I’d also like to thank Brenda Ulman for all of her hard work and the team of volunteers she put together to help with this event. I always enjoy connecting with people in different regions of the country and being able to spread the vision of Mercy!

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