We continue to be so proud of our graduates. They leave here and go on with their lives to do great things; however, they always remain a part of the Mercy family. I just got this update and wanted to share the good news!
Isn't it cool how God orders our steps and directs our paths? I love hearing how these girls connected and became great friends because Christina recognized Lindsay's Mercy ring - a special ring that each girl is given on her graduation day. The Mercy ring (pictured to the right) was designed by a Mercy graduate from 1989, who is now a designer of jewelry. She hand makes every Mercy ring, and also includes a personalized inscription on each one. The three stones represent the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and they are separated by an “M” that represents the Mercy of God. I hope this encourages you to stay open to divine connections that God may have in store for you!
Hi Nancy! I am not sure if you remember me, but my name is Lindsay and I am a Nashville Mercy graduate. I came into the program in 2003 for an eating disorder and graduated in 2004. Today, I am a senior at Palm Beach Atlantic University in West Palm Beach and am about to graduate from nursing school! God is amazing! In fact, I am coming up to Nashville over Spring Break because I applied for a position in a nurse residency program at Vanderbilt Medical Center, and they invited me up for an interview. If I get the position, I will be moving to Nashville in June! I am going to be staying with Michele and Christina (both Mercy graduates) while I am there. I actually go to school with Christina – can you believe that we met because she recognized my Mercy ring and she knew that we had something in common?! I know that I definitely want to come visit the Nashville home while I am up visiting and I know Christina would like to come with me. I am so excited to visit! So glad to be in touch with you!
God bless!
God bless!

Lindsay and Christina on their visit to Mercy Ministries in Nashville

i got to hear both lindsay and christina speak, and a little of their testimony, when i was in nashville. they shared how they met, and the mercy ring connection. they're really good friends now, despite being at mercy at two different times, years apart! it's amazing how God connects people.
love ya, nancy! and thank you!
Yay...I love Lindsay! :) She's was there with me. That is very cool that her and Christina became friends. I have had people notice my ring and know what it was because they knew someone else who went to Mercy and had one. Very cool! Love you, Nancy!!
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