I just got this card in the mail along with a significant financial donation to the ministry. This was too good not to share…

Thanks for all your support. You helped make this changed life possible!!!
“When I stop and look at my life and where I am today, I have to say thank you to Mercy Ministries. The first weekend of May I graduated from college. I was one of the first students to graduate from that school with a B.A. in Early Childhood. In a few days it will have been four years since I graduated from Mercy. At my college graduation my youth pastor commented on what a blessing my life is to others. He knew me before I went to Mercy and was the person I ran to when I felt like giving up. He impacted my life like so many other people God placed in my path during the six years of my struggle. I honored them at my Graduation Party. Now I want to honor you and say thank you. – Stephanie Green

Thanks for all your support. You helped make this changed life possible!!!
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