Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me--watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.
Matthew 11:28-30, THE MESSAGE
Sometimes I feel as if I should join the circus. No, I can’t tame elephants (although I can have a conversation with a teenage boy, so that’s pretty close!!) and no, I can’t contort my body to fit in a shoebox . . . but I am a champion plate spinner! I have so many plates spinning that I amaze myself. Can you relate? Probably. I have the woman plate going, the wife plate going, the mom plate going, the pastor plate going, the author plate going, the speaker plate going, and the friend plate going.
There are moments when I just feel a little worn out. Sometimes that realization hits me while standing in the shower (the only place I can find solitude some days!). Recently, I had to speak at a women’s retreat, which means a weekend full of messages . . . in another state. I also had a book to finish, my kid’s basketball games to attend, GodChicks® Conference planning meetings, three Sunday services to get ready for, an annoying legal battle, a household to run, and I am sure my husband would like to eat and have sex somewhere in between. And, did I mention this was all during daily radiation treatments?? That’s a lot of plates!
I have learned that the only way to negotiate all the plates that God has given me is to get great at walking with Jesus. When I spend my time with Him, everything else gets put in perspective. Instead of panicking at all that I need to accomplish today, I really am peaceful. In fact, many times I have gotten up from chatting with God and discovered the answers on how to fit all the pieces of my day together. By giving God that time, He has seemingly given me more.
Religion can be exhausting. There is no way that you and I can keep all the rules. And the enemy, like the Pharisees of the New Testament, wants us to feel guilty for not doing everything right. Jesus knew this, so He said that if we are burned out on religion, we just have to get away with Him. Only with Him can we learn the unforced rhythms of grace.
Rest in Him, my friend. Keep company with Him and you will live lighter than you ever have.

The only thing I can think of to say is, "Oh my goodness, she used the 's' word."
But otherwise, it is a good article.
i thought the same thing, but then i thought, "wow. holly's keeping it real. i like that!"
i feel like i juggle a lot of plates. and a drop a lot of them sometimes. and some days, i juggle even more than i started out with! i'm slowly learning (it's a PROCESS - i hate that word) to not let guilt get to me when i don't accomplish what i need to get done every day. it's hard, but it's not bothering me as much as it used to. and i'm counting each guilt-free day as a victory!
thank you, holly!!
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