On my birthday this year, I will turn 55, but honestly I still feel 25 on the inside. Does that count?? The truth is – I wish I still looked on the outside like I feel on the inside – ha!
I guess the reason I am going on and on about this is because I got quite a shock today when I looked at a baby picture that was sent to me recently of a 22 year old young woman named Benita, who is now happily married. Let me explain. You see, it was the year 1987 (four years after Mercy began), that I was in the labor and delivery room with one of our girls who came to Mercy Ministries to choose life for her child. This teenage unwed mother very courageously chose life for her child, but she also made the courageous choice to place her child with a wonderful Godly adoptive couple. As I mentioned, I actually had the privilege of being in the labor and delivery room with this young girl whose name is Rena. I will never forget this beautiful baby, whose name is Benita!
Now fast forward 22 years later…this baby that I watched come into the world is now 22 years old and happily married. She still has a heart connection with Mercy, which I am totally glad about. But the shock that I am referring to is that she sent me a picture of her first born child named Rebekah Erin. As I was taken in by how beautiful the baby is, all of a sudden it dawned in on me that this makes me a grandmother!! I didn’t know that people who felt 25 years old on the inside could be grandmothers!! Now I am trying to adjust to the fact that I am not really as young as I feel!
The truth is that this picture represents to me the faithfulness of God in honoring the choice that Rena made so long ago to bring her beautiful daughter into the world. That daughter has grown up to be a beautiful Godly woman who is happily married and now she has brought another beautiful child into the world. In Deuteronomy 30:19, God says that He sets before us life and death and He tells us to choose life that you and your seed may life. Rena chose life, and now her and her seed are living on as a powerful testimony. To all of our Mercy supporters who are reading this, you need to know that your giving is impacting generations to come.
Probably the best person to sum up the joy of this is Benita’s adoptive mom. Let me share with you a portion of the letter that she recently sent to me…
“It is so hard to believe that Benita is now grown, by the grace of God, to be such a wonderful daughter, wife, and now mother. We are incredibly blessed to be grandparents! It is simply amazing how proud we are of Benita and Jeremy. They have already shown that they are going to be wonderful parents. Benita is so caring and loving to Rebekah, and Jeremy is already so protective. We just wanted to let you know what a special part you had in yet another life. We know she will come to know Jesus at an early age and be a blessing, just like Benita has been. Blessings to you and we are so happy to share our newest addition with you!!”
Have a great Memorial Day Weekend! As we enjoy our holiday on Monday, let us remember that so many young men and women have given their lives for the freedom we enjoy. Take time to meditate on that thought and be thankful for those who serve in our armed forces.
I guess the reason I am going on and on about this is because I got quite a shock today when I looked at a baby picture that was sent to me recently of a 22 year old young woman named Benita, who is now happily married. Let me explain. You see, it was the year 1987 (four years after Mercy began), that I was in the labor and delivery room with one of our girls who came to Mercy Ministries to choose life for her child. This teenage unwed mother very courageously chose life for her child, but she also made the courageous choice to place her child with a wonderful Godly adoptive couple. As I mentioned, I actually had the privilege of being in the labor and delivery room with this young girl whose name is Rena. I will never forget this beautiful baby, whose name is Benita!

Probably the best person to sum up the joy of this is Benita’s adoptive mom. Let me share with you a portion of the letter that she recently sent to me…

Have a great Memorial Day Weekend! As we enjoy our holiday on Monday, let us remember that so many young men and women have given their lives for the freedom we enjoy. Take time to meditate on that thought and be thankful for those who serve in our armed forces.
What a beautiful story of God's faithfulness. Thank you Nancy for being a inspriation. I first heard you speak at a God's Chick Conference in LA. Please keep up the work you do with Mercy ministries and keep fighting the good fight of faith. I follow you on Twitter as well...you are a blessing :)
That's a sweet story!
Ha! I bet my mom and Ryan's feel really old also...in 2 1/2 years my parents will have become grandpartents to 5 kids, and Ryan's to 6 kids. I think they are setting a record of the most grandkids in the shortest amount of time! ;) (We account for a lot of that...ha)
Hi Nancy! Thank you for sharing. What an awesome testimony of God's faithfulness! It seems like forever since I was at Mercy and my son will grow up knowing who you are, about what Mercy Ministries is all about, and about the change that God did in me while I was at Mercy. I know that if it weren't for Mercy I wouldn't be alive today. But not only am I alive but I'm living for God, I'm married to an awesome man of God, and I have a handsome little boy who I adore. Because of your faithfulness to God so many lives are changed. That just rocks my world! Thank you Nancy for all that you have done and are doing. I love you!
this is an amazing story! God's love and faithfulness is so powerful! thank you for sharing this with us, and thank you for listening to God's calling on your life and starting mercy ministries! it was great to meet you thursday, and i am so, so thankful that i can now call myself a mercy grad!!
This is such an encouraging story! What a blessing to have a front row seat to see God work like this! It really makes me hopeful that maybe one day, after I can finally work through what i am so afraid of, that God will help me through that too! Thank you for the encouragement!!! :)
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