Coming up on two years ago, Jordan graduated from Mercy. We just received this update from her, and I wanted to share it with you as well. I hope this encourages you that there is no such thing as a hopeless case. God is a God of the impossible, and He is in the business of changing hearts and changing lives for His glory. I hope you enjoy this update and have a great weekend!
Hey Nancy and Mercy Ministries Staff, as well as my wonderful Mercy sisters!I just wanted to share an update about life after Mercy. I entered the Monroe home nearly two years ago (Feb 6, 2008), lost, angry, and living selfishly in the chains of a twelve-year battle with an eating disorder, a five year addiction to alcohol and pills, as well as dabbling in cutting with thoughts of suicide - all of which stemmed from a life time of heartache and abuse. I was lost and hopeless living in the pit of utter despair. When I arrived at Mercy I was scared and went into the program desperate for change but telling myself that if this didn't work, that was the end. I was going to end my life. The first few months of the program I questioned absolutely everything that I was told. My head and my heart were filled with so many lies, and I wasn't sure what was real anymore. Finally, one night in my prayer time, I truly surrendered to the Lord, crying while repeating "no more games! No more games!" I felt the presence of the Lord at that moment, and it was like from that moment on, my chains were breaking off one at a time. I was being freed from the pain and hurt I had endured for so many years. Everything I was holding on to, I was suddenly letting go of.
Even though I still struggle at times with old thoughts, I know I don't have to strive for perfection because I would be striving to obtain the impossible. I can make mistakes and be forgiven just like I can now forgive those who have also made mistakes. Thanks to the unconditional love I learned to accept and receive as well as the patience of the staff at Mercy, I have learned how to press through , forgive, and show the same grace and mercy that was shown to me. The trials I have faced have shown me that I really am free. I really can handle life's problems without harming myself in order to cope. I can't believe I am FINALLY the woman God has created me to be!!
I now look at the hard times as a time to put on my armor and accept the calling on my life - to be a warrior in the army of Christ! I cannot thank you enough for the time, love and all the effort you have put in to taking this broken girl and making her whole again. I love you all so much and my gratitude is truly endless.In Christ,
Thanks again for sharing another is testament to the amazing things God is accomplishing through Mercy Ministries....
I was there with Jordan, and I can affirm the changes in her life. Seeing her live with freedom is a gift I will never take for granted. I am also so thankful for Mercy, and the changes that have been made in my own life and the joy that God has filled my heart with!
In HIS Grace,
Jordan, thank you so much for sharing your story! It is exactly what I needed to read right now. I am actually going to the Monroe home this coming Thursday and I too hope to break free from the chains of my eating disorder. Your story as inspired me :)
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