Just this week, we had the privilege of sending out support checks for four of our graduates who are preparing to go on the mission field! It is such a joy for us to see our graduates going out into the world to make a difference. Last year we had over 20 Mercy graduates serving in various locations around the world, and we got to be a part of sending them through our financial support. I thought you might like to see the most recent four girls that we have helped sponsor, and hear about where each of them will be going and what they will be doing.
Lindsay – St. Louis Graduate, 2009I love that these young women aren’t allowing anything to stand in the way of their destiny in Christ. I am so very proud of each of them and what they are doing to pour into the lives of others. Please be in prayer for them, as will we, and be looking for blog updates as they return with testimonies and pictures. Hope you are having a great week!I have been given the opportunity to go to Kosovo on a mission trip this summer through Service International in Chesterfield, MO. While in Kosovo, we will be sharing God’s Word with children from all backgrounds, to give them a better understanding of their heavenly Father’s unconditional love and mercy. The passion and yearning to eliminate injustice burns in my heart far beyond words can express. God has called me to help the hurting by speaking life into those who are depressed and afraid; holding the broken-hearted, praying for the sick, and loving the unloved.
Danielle – Nashville Graduate, 2009Never in my wildest dreams would I imagine myself traveling to China and Thailand one year ago. But, here I am today, transformed and renewed by God's overwhelming Mercy, ready to travel across the world to share His Love. On April 11, my team and I here at Youth with a Mission Discipleship Training School will be leaving on an 8 week mission trip to China and Thailand! Although China is one of the most populous nations on Earth, only 7% of the people are Christian. It is illegal to openly evangelize in China, however we have an incredible opportunity to present the Gospel through the area in the public schools and universities. Thailand, on the other hand, has remained captive to the traditions and practices of Buddhism for hundreds of years. We will target specific border villages that are in need of the Gospel and we will partner with long-term ministries in the cities which reach out to the slums, prisons, and orphanages. We have this unique opportunity to be God’s hands extended to these nations.
Cailee – Nashville Graduate, 2008I will be traveling with No Boundaries International in August of 2010 to Mexico to spread the love of Christ. That is exactly what I want to do. I am only 15, but I feel a call on my life to fulfill Mark 16:15 and go into the world and preach the gospel to the every creature! I have a passion for the lost and hurting people of this world and I want to show them that God’s love can overcome anything. I want to make a difference and show people the love of Christ.
Chantelle – Nashville Graduate 2009I am very excited to share with you the life-changing opportunity that I have with Teen Mania Ministries to serve as a missionary in the U.S. and abroad. During my year at the Honor Academy, I will be ministering to the young people of America, helping with Acquire the Fire events and Teen Mania mission trips. This experience with Honor Academy will begin in August 2010 and will focus on leadership development, apologetics, growth in character, integrity, knowledge of world missions, and will conclude with a 2 month Global Missions Expedition. I sense God’s leading toward missions as a possible vocation and this seems like the right next step for me.
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