I want you to meet my beautiful young friend named Rachel. Although you may not recognize her from this picture, you have actually seen her before. On Friday, January 16th, I blogged about looking back at a picture that was made on our property in Nashville before any of our buildings were built with four babies that were born to girls that came to Mercy and chose life. The little redhead sitting to the right of me has now grown up to be beautiful and talented Rachel. She was born in March of 1992, so she will soon be 17 years old.
As you can see, she is amazingly beautiful, and she is also extremely talented in music. God has given her a great gift to lead worship, and she is currently helping out at the Nashville House of Prayer every Thursday night. Rachel is completing her high school education, and she plans to go to college to pursue music. Rachel has recently been asked to sing at an IHOP (International House of Prayer) event with nationally known speakers, as her gift is being recognized by those in Christian leadership. I have had the privilege of watching Rachel grow up. Her parents actually live here in Nashville, and they have done a fabulous job raising her. Just wanted you to meet Rachel and hear the awesome things that God is doing in her life.
Rachel is pictured here, to the left with me, at our 25th Anniversary Celebration. She is truly beautiful on the inside and out, and we thank God for his continued faithfulness to save and transform lives.

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