Dear Nancy and Mercy Team,
I thought it only fitting to fill you in on some exciting news -- I FINALLY received my college degree! In June of this year, I walked across the platform and received my diploma as part of the Moody Bible Institute class of 2009 with tears in my eyes, just in awe of God's goodness and faithfulness.
I couldn't help but remember back to nine years ago when I was sitting on the floor of my room in the psych ward in complete despair and hopelessness. I had just been asked to leave my college campus for the second time because of my struggles with anorexia and depression, and I firmly believed that I would never be able to live a normal life again and that there was no hope in living. Not long after that, however, God carried me through the doors of Mercy Ministries where He began His greatest transformation in my life -- calling me His own and calling me to Himself. He has healed me in such mighty ways during and since my time at Mercy, and I am clearly changed for Him.
Since my 2002 graduation from Mercy Ministries, I have heard God’s calling to full time ministry, which led me to study counseling at the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. While it was difficult at times, my time studying at Moody was incredible as God continued to take me further on the road of healing, specifically in my relationships with my family. After years of struggling and strife, I praise God in reporting that I now call my parents my FRIENDS! Hallelujah!!
Now that I've graduated, my husband and I will be relocating to Georgia where he will be able to continue his education in the area of cross-cultural community development, while I hope to go on for my Masters in Social Work. Our long-term goal is to serve God overseas in the area of community development or disaster relief, much like the hurricane relief work we did in Mississippi over the past 4 years. We don't know where specifically that will be or what that will specifically look like, but we have been trusting Him long enough to know that wherever He takes us and whatever He calls us to do, His plans will be so much better than we could ever imagine!
In September, I am blessed with the opportunity to serve God with a short term mission’s team going to Bosnia and Herzegovina. While I am there, the team and I will be ministering to the women of that area. My job on the team specifically will be to lead worship for our women's meetings and to share my testimony of God's amazing love, grace, and healing power in my life. It never ceases to amaze me that God could take the broken pieces of my life and turn them into a beautiful mosaic masterpiece, an amazing display of His glory. Please pray for our team as we seek to reach the broken and hurting women of this war-torn and abuse-ridden region with God's love and grace.
I could go on and on about all God is doing in my life right now, but most of all, I just wanted to again say a huge THANK YOU for the way that the influence of Mercy Ministries on my life continues to shape and fashion my life. Clearly, through the way you so richly give your life for the girls of this program, God's love is able to reach beyond the walls of Mercy Ministries, through the hearts of its graduates, and into the world.
I also thought I would attach a few photographs of the celebration!
Thank you again for everything!

My proud parents. None of us ever thought this day would come!
My husband of the past 1 1/2 years and biggest supporter!
My college roomate (who is from Germany) and I... We had to :)
How Awesome! She's so right, what Mercy does is so much more far reaching than just the walls of the homes. Every day as I live my life I'm reminded of the fact that I wouldn't be where I am today had it not been for Mercy Ministries. I am blessed to be a blessing and it all started at Mercy. Thank you for sharing this testimony. I love reading them. I love you Nancy!
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