Today has been such a great day, and very busy! I had the pleasure of being a part of an adoption placement ceremony where one of our courageous young women handed her beautiful baby girl to the adoptive couple of her choice. Both the adoptive couple and the young girl had their extended families and closest friends in the room. It was truly emotional, and we saw God move in such a special way. We thank God for every life – the life of this young girl and the life she chose to give this beautiful baby girl. I wanted to share this joy with those of you who support us, because your support is making all of this possible.
Speaking of sharing the joy and thanking our supporters, I also wanted you to see the three beautiful young women who graduated the program today - so much overcoming of the past, so much joy in the present, and so much anticipation for the future! God is a God of new beginnings, and I thank Him for 2 Corinthians 5:17 – “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, all things are new.”

I am so thankful today that because of Jesus Christ, our past does not have to destroy our future and we can have new beginnings in Him. I hope you are blessed and encouraged by getting an inside look of what went on at Mercy today.
i am so proud of my mercy sisters!!!! they look absolutely beautiful.
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