Even before coming to Mercy, Christin had a desire and the skill to create. It wasn’t until recently, after hearing a teaching I did on tithing and the power of giving, that she asked the Lord, “Since I have no money to give back to you, what do I give?” She felt the Lord prompting her to use her talent for design to give back to Him and to bless others. Since then, Christin has been using her gift of creativity to design personalized t-shirts for residents and staff. She calls this outreach ministry “Threads of Hope.” Each t-shirt design is created based on something very personal to the person, whether it’s a prophetic word spoken over their life or a favorite scripture God has given them. Not only is each t-shirt a one-of-a-kind original design, but they are also hand sown by Christin herself!
I thought you would like to see some of the very cool t-shirts Christin has done.

Once she graduates from Mercy, Christin plans on continuing her t-shirt designs with the possibility of it becoming a business. If she sells them, she plans on donating a portion of the proceeds back to Mercy. We are so proud of Christin for using her gifts to minister to those around her and for the awesome transformation taking place in her heart and life. We wouldn’t be surprised if one day we could buy Christin’s t-shirts in some cool store! If you want to be one of the first to help Christin get her business off the ground, let us know and we will contact you to discuss the details.
I thought you would like to see some of the very cool t-shirts Christin has done.
That's so awesome! The designs are really cool, as well. I like how she incorporates stuff from the person to make the shirt.
So excited for you girlie! It was wonderful to meet you while I was at Mercy before heading back to Guatemala... I pray that you are met by the favor of the Lord as you seek Him and walk our your freedom!
God bless you! Oh, by the way... I love your shirts... They are beautiful... Feel so privileged that I got to see one in person... And, yes, I would love to sport one of them...
I was blessed to be Christin's roommate for several months. She is so creative and such an amazing person! Her shirts are amazing!
I am so excited to see her doing so well! I know Christin will do amazing things in her life...now and in the future!
Go Christin!
i love my sister so much and i miss her more then anything in the world!! i remember when she made me a pair of pajamas in high school and they were amazing!! she does an incredible job and i am sooo proud of her! she means the world to me! i love u sis
love ya,
hi nancy! i've been without internet access for a bit, thus my lack of comments, LOL!! please let me know how i can but one of christen's shirts!! they're BEAUTIFUL!!
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