Friday, April 1, 2011

Special Visit From Special Friend In Australia…

It’s not often you get a visit from someone who lives a 24 hour car drive away, much less someone who lives a 24 hour plane ride away, but such was the case yesterday as my dear friend Leigh Ramsey made a guest appearance at our Mercy home in Nashville to share with our staff and residents about her amazing work with child trafficking victims in Cambodia. I so love connecting with these amazing women who have such a heart and are actually doing something about the issue instead of just speaking out against the issue.

After all, we are told to be doers of the Word and not hearers only. Sounds like a good plan to me, and Leigh is definitely a doer! So many lives are being impacted because of her obedience, and I wanted you to personally become acquainted with the great work that she is doing. Click onto this story to read more and check out some of the highlights from our time together yesterday!

Hilary, Me, Leigh, and Jill